
Liav Orgad
Office: Villino, VL037
Fields of interest: Constitutional identity, international jurisprudence, citizenship theory, global migration, and law & technology
Administrative Assistant: Valentina Bettin
Project Manager

Research Associates

Émilien Fargues
Fields of interest: Citizenship, migration, citizenship revocation

Federico Tomasello
Fields of interest: Political theory, history of citizenship, citizenship and labour, history of political thought, political violence

Wessel Reijers
Fields of interest: Philosophy of Technology, Ethics of Technology, Citizenship, Governance, Blockchain Technology
Visiting Fellows

Primavera De Filippi
Fields of interest: Blockchain Technology, Law, Participatory Decision-making, Governance
Visiting Researchers

Ashley Mantha-Hollands
Fields of interest: Political Theory, Cititzenship Theory, Public Policy, Theories of Attachment

Johanna Hase
Fields of interest: Constitutional Identity, Citizenship Theories, Global Migration, Integration
Former Research Associates

Jean-Thomas Arrighi
Fields of interest: nationalism, territorial politics, comparative politics, migration and citizenship

Jules Lepoutre
Fields of interest: Citizenship and Governance in the European Union, European Nationality

Asif Efrat
Fields of interest: international relations, international law, transnational crime
Robert Schuman Fellows

Ruud Koopmans
Fields of interest: Immigration and Integration Policies, Ethnic Inequality and Ethno-cultural Conflicts, Religious Fundamentalism