Urban Citizenship
In this forum debate, scholars will discuss whether urban citizenship should be emancipated from nationality. This forum is a collaboration with the Global Citizenship Governance programme and the The Cities, Mobility and Membership Research Collaborative.

Social Credit System: Future Dystopia?
Does China’s Social Credit System lead the way to a dystopian future? In this online symposium co-hosted with Verfassungsblog, scholars take sides concerning an unparalleled effort of social engineering that will soon influence the lives of over a billion citizens.
Eurozenship: Pro and Contra
Brexit highlights fundamental difficulties related to EU citizenship. Should EU citizenship be disentangled from member state nationality? In an online symposium co-hosted by the Verfassungsblog we have asked a number of eminent scholars to take sides in this timely and important controversy.

Cloud Communities: The Dawn of Global Citizenship?
In this GLOBALCIT debate, scholars discuss the potential and challenges of new technologies for the future of citizenship.